Democratic Republic of Congo
Strenghtening climate change engagement
Natural Strategies supports GIZ in the Democratic Republic of Congo to mainstream climate change into their development portfolio.
Natural Strategies seeks to strengthen GIZ's strategic approach to climate change in DRC while identifying concrete climate finance opportunities.
The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is considered one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. In response to this, the German development cooperation seeks to strengthen its engagement on climate change to support the country in achieving its highest priority adaptation and mitigation objectives. To support this aim, Natural Strategies conducts a study of relevant policy and project documents, government strategies and academic research, combined with on-site consultations in Kinshasa with representatives of development cooperation, the Congolese Government, international donor agencies and funds. Thereby, we map current efforts, needs and priorities in DRC on climate change related aspects, including in the areas of REDD+ and ecosystem based adaptation, assess concrete opportunities to fund these through international climate finance mechanisms, and, based on this, provide actionable recommendations to enhance GIZ's portfolio on climate change adaptation and mitigation in DRC. We thereby help define GIZ's strategic approach on climate change in DRC in complementarity of the overall German development cooperation portfolio in the country.
Thematic areas
Climate change

No poverty
Climate action