Financing nature-based solutions in cities
Natural Strategies authors working paper for the G20 on financing urban forests, green roofs and other nature-based solutions in cities.
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) can help bring ecosystems services back into cities. By introducing green roofs, river restoration, wetlands, urban forests, street trees, community gardens and other urban NbS, cities can adapt better to climate change and reduce urban heat island effects.
However, in times of limited budgets, how can cities finance these measures? Time is not on our side, so innovative business and finance models are needed to scale up this action, and quickly. Fortunately, there is a variety of innovative financing models that can strengthen the case for investing in urban NbS.
To showcase this, Natural Strategies co-authored this new report that seeks to inspire such action in the G20. It was produced by UNEP in close collaboration with the Italian Presidency of the G20 and published by UNEP in July 2021.
Access the report here.
Thematic areas
Nature-based solutions, Investment, Green finance

Climate action
Life on land