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Conservation International

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Evaluating Private sector investment readiness

Natural Strategies supports Conservation International in phase I of its Forest Finance and Investment Incubator (FFII).

The FFII aims to increase investments into forest and land-use projects that contribute to national climate goals in ten countries globally.

Catalytic support is needed to mobilize private sector funds that can contribute to public environmental commitments. In response to this, the FFII aims at mobilizing private sector investment in sustainable land use, thereby helping to turn NDC priorities into action and ensure implementation of key public climate policies.

To do so, Natural Strategies works with Conservation International in evaluating private sector investment readiness in eight countries in Latin America, Africa and Asia. Among others, Natural Strategies analyzes the financial and economic context in the land use sector and identifies investment opportunities on zero-deforestation commodity production, sustainable forest management and REDD+ that can contribute to the countries' NDCs.

We thereby help catalyze private sector investments that can reduce deforestation, restore lands and mitigate climate change.

Thematic areas

Sustainable finance, Land use, Investment


Zero hunger

Climate action

Life on land

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Natural Strategies S.L.

Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, Calle Sant Antoni Maria Claret no 167,

08025 Barcelona, Spain

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