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Africa & Latin America


Building a fund for biodiversity

Natural Strategies designed the Nature For Climate Fund, an investment fund aiming to mobilize private sector finance for biodiversity & sustainable land use.

Natural Strategies Fund designed the fund’s financial structure, identified investment opportunities in Latin America and Africa and discussed them with international investors and companies in industrialized countries. The objective was to conserve biodiversity, ecosystems and endangered wildlife in forest landscapes while generating financial returns on investment.

Based on the fund design, the assets that eligible projects generate would include high quality and third party certified agricultural, agroforestry and forest products and innovative environmental assets such as carbon credits and Payments for Ecosystem Services. By doing so, the fund aims to redirect capital and resources from current practices to nature-positive alternatives.

To optimise and de-risk investments in these assets, the fund aims to blend commercial capital from private sector investors with development capital from public or philanthropic sources. Combining the individual attributes of each asset and project with innovative and blended finance models generates a powerful and sustainable solution for nature conservation.

The fund design won two international awards, by the Luxembourg International Climate Finance Accelerator 2021 and the Conservation Finance Alliance 2021.

Thematic areas

Ecosystem & biodiversity


Zero hunger

Climate action

Life on land

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Natural Strategies S.L.

Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, Calle Sant Antoni Maria Claret no 167,

08025 Barcelona, Spain

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