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WWF Climate and Forests

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Analyzing benefit sharing mechanisms

Natural Strategies conducts a comparative analysis on benefit sharing under REDD+ globally.

In support of the WWF Climate and Forests team, Natural Strategies assesses lessons learned and best practices on the design, implementation and scale up of REDD+ benefit sharing.

The experiences with monetary and non-monetary rewards linked to REDD+ initiatives are heterogeneous and context specific. The WWF Climate and Forests team hired Natural Strategies to shed light on factors that shape and condition benefit sharing mechanisms under REDD+ initiatives around the world. ​ Through research and consultations, Natural Strategies identifies elements in design and implementation that have proven critical for effectiveness, efficiency and equity of benefit sharing in practice. In doing so, special emphasis is placed on lessons around the needs and priorities of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) and key elements for contributing to countries' NDCs. ​ Click here to read the report!

Thematic areas

REDD+, Benefit sharing, IPLCs, NDCs


Reduced inequalities

Climate action

Life on land

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Natural Strategies S.L.

Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, Calle Sant Antoni Maria Claret no 167,

08025 Barcelona, Spain

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