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Seedlings for planting mangroves forest.

Kick-Starting the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

Natural Strategies develops the UNEP & FAO full-scale funding proposal for the project ‘Leading the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030’.

Project Details

From 2021 to 2030, the ‘United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration’ aims to revert ecosystem degradation globally. FAO and UNEP are taking a lead role in this global effort. Through the formation of partnerships, ‘New Power’ approaches and capacity building, they seek to catalyse and upscale marine and terrestrial restoration projects around the world.


To help kick-start this global effort, Natural Strategies develops the concept note and full project proposal for UNEP and its partners. This includes elaborating the project’s environmental and social safeguards; theory of change and innovative aspects; ambition and transformative nature of the project; and its sustainability impacts and multiplier effects.


In doing so, Natural Strategies helps increase the restoration capacities of private, public sector & civil society to lay the basis for a global movement on ecosystem restoration.


Access the project proposal here.

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Thematic areas

Ecosystem Restoration



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Natural Strategies S.L.

Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau, Calle Sant Antoni Maria Claret no 167,

08025 Barcelona, Spain

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