Turn your biodiversity goals into biodiversity leadership. We guide your business or financial institution on your path to identify nature-related impacts, set targets and implement action.
Identify risks and impacts
We identify your business or investment/lending portfolio risks stemming from biodiversity degradation; impacts on biodiversity along your supply chains; and opportunities of nature-positive practices
Through our What-If-Scenario Tool, we help you simulate and compare costs and benefits of different options for greening your operations, to prioritize key areas of biodiversity engagement
We help you break down the silos: We organize business-internal workshops to identify and raise awareness on synergies between your climate, biodiversity and broader sustainability action. We estimate the GHG emission reductions potential through your nature-positive practices and advise on how to integrate these and other topics into a holistic corporate engagement on sustainability.

Our services are deeply grounded in the principles and methodologies outlined in the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) LEAP approach and the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) guidelines for nature, as well as prominent regulation like the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) on deforestation-free supply chains and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). Depending on the specific needs of the clients, we tailor our support in line with these frameworks and regulations.
Natural Strategies supports the work of the TNFD as a TNFD Forum Member. The TNFD's LEAP (Locate, Evaluate, Assess, and Prepare) approach advocates for a holistic assessment process that includes locating a business’s interaction with nature, evaluating dependencies and impacts on nature, assessing nature-related risks and opportunities, and preparing to respond and disclose these insights in alignment with recommended disclosures. This enables businesses to understand and mitigate their environmental footprints systematically.
Complementing the above, the SBTN's framework focuses on guiding businesses to set science-based targets for nature, aiming to halt and reverse the loss of nature by 2030. The SBTN's guidance encourages companies to gather data to estimate their value chain-wide impacts and dependencies on nature, followed by setting actionable and measurable targets that align with Earth's limits and societal goals.
The EUDR is an EU Regulation that will prohibit placing products on the EU market that are illegal according to the laws of the producing country or contributed to deforestation or forest degradation. It covers seven commodities: coffee, cocoa, rubber, palm oil, soy, beef and timber. Through advisory, tools and engagement, we help operators carry out due diligence to assess whether their products carry a risk of deforestation and illegality.
By integrating the above approaches into our advisory services as needed, we offer a robust foundation for companies and financial institutions to become nature-positive. Our tools and advisory help them assess, compare and prioritize nature-related risks and dependencies in different locations; turn ideas into effective strategies & science-based targets; engage with suppliers on deforestation-free sourcing; and track & report on progress in line with leading reporting and disclosure frameworks.
Assessing materiality in your investment portfolio
To obtain an overview of your potential impacts on nature, we can work with you to produce a tailored impact heatmap.
In the case of a financial institution, for example, where detailed data on the financial asset level may be difficult to obtain, this technique can reveal which sectors in your investment portfolio may have the most material nature impacts and GHG emissions – helping you focus on the highest priority areas.

Comparing your biodiversity impacts from commodity sourcing
In the case of manufacturing companies in the food sector, for example, our tools and advisory can help quantify and compare, country by country, how your business’s sourcing of agricultural raw materials may affect nature.
Through our what-if-analysis, you can also simulate how much your biodiversity footprint may improve in the future, e.g., through a change in land use intensity or area of cultivation.